
Here you can find some of my projects I have been working on lately

Published: Bad news for bad news in the workplace?

Together with Laurie Barclay and Heiko Breitsohl, I review 685 studies on bad news delivery in organizations. We provide an overview of trends and challenges, while we also distill practical recommendations on how to deliver bad news effectively.

What creates more negative outcomes? Layoffs or denied promotions? Well, it depends on whom you ask.

By combining managers' and employees' perceptions, we aim to derive a more true-to-life picture of what has more negative consequences for managers: telling employees that they are laid off or that they do not get the promotion they expected.

Another one bites the dust: Mass layoffs as career shocks in Tech

Using social media data and unsupervised machine learning, A. Keller, N. Yan, and I explore how repeated exposure to mass layoffs impacts individual appraisal and adaption processes amidst career uncertainty.

Navigating the infodemic: An integrative review and path forward.

Misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy are emerging challenges for organizations. S. Diegelmann, K. Fousiani, M. Graso, and I provide a summary of 80 articles and discuss future research avenues focusing on organizations and their members.

Old but gold: A cross-national comparison of how older employees are treated at work.

Drawing on employer reviews from the DACH region, we conduct longitudinal analyses of how older employees were treated between 2011 and 2023 and if factors such as leadership behavior, working conditions, or company success impact these findings.

Genie in a bottle: Does defining wishes and worst-case scenarios assist in managing critical situations ?

Using a mental contrasting framework, P. Gollwitzer, C. Forester, and I explore how goal setting combined with contingency planning helps managers in navigating challenging workplace situations effectively.

Managerial resilience: How much is it leader-specific and how much their workplace?

C. Foerster and I explore how much of a leaders' resilience is defined by their individual factors and how much due to factors of their workplace. Combining both, we provide a more inclusive way of defining and assessing resilience in the workplace.

How long does it take to get fired? A global investigation

Using global data that overcomes WEIRD issues, I examine how long it takes managers, organizations, and industries to either lay off employees or withdraw responsibilities after organizational wrongdoing or underperforming.


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